Wednesday, 23 February 2011

2011 - moving forward

Life has changed much for myself for the past 2 years since my last post. I have a total of 8 blogs. Had to do a count to realize this. Fuh~~

Hoping that my number of readers has increased in the past few years, I am glad to announce that I have more ideas for my blog and also I believe that my typing and vocab + grammar has much increased in the past year. Working in HP Cyberjaya really bumped up my skills...heh.

After being in the dark for so long, I finally feel that I am slowly coming out of it. 1 year of working has improved my motivation, self esteem and focus. Right now the mission is making 2011 the year of redemption.

I do feel guilty of being "out of range" since I needed the space and time to recuperate. But catching up to people now made me realize where I stand now in life. Comparing myself to those who are already married, married with kids, and still single - helps me put myself in a better perspective as to where I should be heading and what I should be achieving.

Despite the hideous tragedy in my past, I am pretty much the same person, only I feel "seasoned" inside. Having so much information, knowledge, and wisdom to share with others. Most times I have so much to say but I only have one i'll probably end up saying half of what I actually want to say.

But in any case, I have now figured out how to use my blog accounts according to what I want to post. Yup, as in I just figured it out by the time I started this paragraph,

So keep yourself tuned to,....

my 2 cents

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